1.ISHE taungana
Muno mumba yako,
Uya newe zvatapinda,
Ishe mberi kwako.
2. Iyo mwoyo yedu
Nayo mweya yedu Ishe
3. Hurukuro dzako
Baba ngatidzinzwe;
Razarurwa dama rako
Newe ngatikunzwe.
4. Ngautigadzire,
Isu vanhu vako:
Kana tafa, tipinzewo
Kune denga rako
This is wonderful and helpful ????
Please help me, how can i download the hymn book to my phone.
I’m sorry, this site doesn’t have a download option but there is an app for Android that was created by someone else: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.tatenda.afm&hl=en&gl=US